Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sometimes I wonder....

Sometimes I wonder if I am talking to myself. Lately I wonder if I am typing to myself. I have only had three comments since I started this blog. OK I will admit I don't tell everyone about it. I don't post much but come on, is any one reading.

Really I think I would like it better if I knew people weren't reading. I was reading a blog and it said my wife got a haircut. It was a really cute post but I kept thinking. My dh would say my wife cut her hair because......

I do a lot of stupid, goofy, funny, silly things. It is what makes me who I am. I am a dork. Really it's true.

This weekend we were at an all day event with the kids. We had brought our lunch back to the area we were all sitting. All being kids and parents. Several families I think our group was 7 families. Ok so the goofy restaurant did not give us any napkins. My darling sweet daughter got food on her new shirt. She was freaking out needing a napkin. I asked one of the dads who was sitting in his truck if he had any napkins.

He said sure here is a whole box. It was one of those commercial size shop boxes full of paper towels that are all connected. Imagine a 1000 foot roll of paper towels all in one box in one roll. That is what he stuck out the truck window. He said take all you want. Well I had a bottle of water in one hand and with the other went to pull out one napkin. At the same time he let go of the box. I am holding the end and the whole box falls to the ground. Napkins rolling out. The box must of rolled down a hill. I am only 5 feet tall and there was at least 10 feet of napkins in my hand.

Of course everyone bust out laughing. It was funny. But how did I not know that he was going to let go of the box. I didn't know he was handing me the box. I thought I was suppose to grab what I needed and he would keep the rest.

Of course the rest of the day it was a joke about the napkins and did I need any more.

I am glad I am able to entertain everyone.

Napkins any one?????

Some maybe I am glad more people aren't reading.


Kat said...

I love your blog and read every post! Keep it up!

Melissa Nelson said...

I read your blog every time you post. Sorry, you'll continue to have readers as long as you write. But isn't it a weird feeling to realize you have no idea who is reading?

gina said...

I read you often, girlie,and I seem to remember a summer at nrh2o when I walked around the park with a napkin stuck to my lower buttock, and you saw it but were laughing so hard you turned purple and couldn't speak. So I have no sympathy for you and your napkin caper, in fact, I wish I could have seen it!

Karen of TX said...

See? You've doubled your comment total already! I read you too, but I don't post comments too often or I'd be commenting all day long and then what would be left for my blog? Ever think of something witty and then think...."I can't say that, must blog it!" That kind of thing. Carry on!

Beth said...

I'm so glad that you that about the comments because now I can learn to do it! I'm so blog illiterate, that I didn't even know I could. I've been reading and laughing, and I'm so glad you let me in on you deep, no so dark, rather hilarious secret!

Beth said...

I'm so glad I read this one, because I'm so blog illiterate, that I didn't know you could comment. So here I am and I love your deep, not so dark, but rather hilarious secrets!!!!!