Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's all fun and games until.....

It's all fun and games until the 2 liter of root beer starts spraying inside your SUV. We had just returned from the grocery store and the fun began. I opened the back of the SUV and a 2 liter of root beer fell out of the back. My first reaction was we won't be opening that any time soon. That reaction quickly changed to oh my gosh it's spraying all over me. DS and I took off running. DD was in a different direction and not being sprayed. She was just watching. Then she started screaming "The truck". DS and I turn to see the bottle has flipped and is now spraying root beer in to the back of our fairly new suv. I am in shock for a moment. I stare in disbelief. Luckily dd is thinking and takes her clean clothes in to her own hands and runs into the shower of root beer to save the suv. She grabs the 2 liter and throws it away from the suv. We are all safe now thanks to Super DD.

This is the suv no one is allowed to drink sodas in. The one we are trying to keep clean. Who knew it would be covered in soda just from a trip to the grocery store. We spent the next hour cleaning root beer out of the back of the suv.

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