My dd has outgrown all of her clothes. This really did happen over night. One morning she got up and none of her clothes fit. Knowing this could not really be possible I went in her room with her to find something to wear.
I soon came out of her room in need of a large trash bag. We quickly filled it with clothes that were too small. We ended up using 3 trash bags. When we were done we had bags of clothes and a closet full of empty hangers. She really had outgrown all her clothes over night.
That brings us to today. We went shopping for new clothes.
Dd was trying on clothes. We found a couple of pair of Capri's and Bermuda shorts. Adjustable waist is the best thing ever!
Then we needed to find a couple shirts. In this new size we have a new problem. Most of the shirts are dippy. Yes dippy. Dippy translates to, too low cut. She tried on shirt after shirt and the verdict was the same, too dippy. She was trying on one last shirt and she says MOM I NEED HELP. I go in the dressing room and she is standing there with the shirt half on and half off. The security tag was stuck in her hair. She has really long hair.
I started trying to get it out. I could not. I have always wanted to be psychic and now I was. I had visions of the security tag exploding with ink covering the shirt, dd and me. So I tell ds to go get the lady to help us. He says no way! That is to embarrassing. I tell him we need help go get her.
Dd manages to put her shirt on with the security tag sticking out. We get the lady and she starts to try to get the tag out. She can’t do it. The tag remover is on the counter. It is not hand held. So we go to the sales counter and now other employees are trying to help.
No luck. They decide to lift dd up onto the counter and try to use the tag remover. The tag won’t reach the tag remover. They try to get the tag and hair to come up through her shirt so they have a little more hair to work with. No luck. So they lift her back up on the counter and lay her back and presto the tag is deactivated. She is free.
Part of the problem was the tag remover was to close to the cash register. They really need to rethink that design. Maybe have it on the edge.
I am sure this has never happened before. I am sure it will never happen again. Maybe having it right next to the register is ok.
We were sharing this story with some friends. Their response was who does this happen to. Dh responded I think it’s just her (meaning me). Then he says my older daughter got her eyelid stuck in her zipper one time. It was one of those old navy half zip fleece pullovers. Oh well you can never say our life is boring.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
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