Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank you

Thank you to my two sweet loving friends who comment. The rest of you just try to comment. You guys send emails but don't comment. I think I may start posting your emails on the blog. No I would never do that. OK I might. Is any one wondering why I haven't posted in forever? Because I have not had Internet. I truly know now I am addicted. I was going to a friends house almost daily just to check my email. Now on to my question that so many of you answered in emails. Sometimes people say things that make me wonder.....

  • "Do normal people know this?" A mom said this after I explained to her when her child would of received certain vaccinations.
  • "I have a really stupid question and I thought you would know the answer" a friend said this. I was not sure if this was a compliment or .... After all she has a rocket scientist smart husband. He was in the car with her when she called to ask.
  • "You have an excellent command of the English language." An English professor from the North East said this to me. He could not believe I was raised in the south. Maybe he should hear me now. He would believe it.
  • "Are you serious?" I have heard this more time than I can count. Often it is right after I ask a really stupid question. The person saying it is usually looking at me like I am crazy.
  • I did stick a 50 dollar bill in my steering wheel.

The truth is I like to have fun. Sometimes the price of fun is asking goofy questions or making silly statements. So next time I say something stupid remember sometimes I make you laugh.


Kim said...

and we all need to laugh! I'm glad you have internet again.

Kat said...

It was a compliment! LOL!