Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Driver YELLED at me........

We went to the mini city yesterday. We had a activity near the mini city so I told DS we could go and stop at the book store. The bookstore happens to be at the mall. Here was the plan we would stop, run in and get the books he wanted and leave. I did not know the Christmas chaos had already started. The parking lot was a mad house. I kept driving around looking for a parking spot. I finally saw two cars getting ready to pull out so I was waiting for one of them. Guess what they start backing out directly towards each other. I can see one driver so I am waving my hand to stop, I am honking and honking. He finally stops and looks at me and yells WHAT!!!!!!!!!!
I can tell from his body language he is very mad at me. He looks tense his shoulders are about to touch his ears. I am still honking because the other car is still backing up. I point behind him. He starts honking and trying to go forward. At the very last second the other car finally stops. At first I wasn't sure if the other car had hit him or not. It was that close. Then he looked at me and his death grip on his steering wheel was loosened and his shoulder dropped back down and he said THANKS. He pulled forward the other car finished backing up and then he backed out and left. Don't you know I didn't get either parking space. I was waiting for the other one. Some car on the other side zipped into it. The one with the guy was to small for me. My kids thought this was the funniest thing ever. They both commented I can't believe neither one of them saw the other one. I am just glad they didn't wreck. We would still be there, with the traffic jam that would of caused. I will not be returning to the mall until June. I will be doing my shopping from the comfort of my home.

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