Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Post

So I have spent a few weeks thinking of something to write. I have a million things I could write about. I just don't see how anything I write can be as funny as telling the story.

You really needed the visual effects. Hands waving, jumping up and down, laughing, screaming.
You really just need the full picture.

So this first post is going to be a list of the funny stories I may write about some day.

  1. I was hit by a run away cow on the side of the highway. Not my car me.
  2. Never drive with out a bra. I grew up hearing you should never drive barefoot. You should always have a pair of shoes in the car in case you break down or have a wreck. Not once did someone tell me you should always wear a bra. Now I know.
  3. When you are trying to scare a mouse out of a garage with tennis balls do NOT run out. Two grown women can suddenly become much thinner when they both want to stand on a ladder that says in big letters. WEIGHT LIMIT 200 Pounds.

OK so those were the only stories I could think of tonight. More later.

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