Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Verdict is in.......

The verdict is in.....I am not funny..... I am a smart aXX....

I will let you choose which letters to replace the x's with. I could be a smart ant, ape, ace, age... the list could on for ever.

This past weekend I was around when a little girl was lost. Everyone was trying to find her mother and her mother was found. The little girl cried and screamed the whole time she was with me. There was no calming her down. Luckily her mom was found quickly. After all returned to normal some one asked "What did her mother say?"
I said "She said 'What's wrong with you people making my kid scream like that?' "

At least one person laughed at this, another said "Did she really say that?"
No she didn't say anything. How boring would it be to say, she didn't say anything?

Today I made more people laugh. We were at a meeting for one of my kids many activities. At some point he turned it into a meeting about another activity, archery. It became obvious he was planning to sign up for this new activity asking the coach many questions. Then the coach said why are you looking at mom? I was sitting at the end of the table about 12 feet away working on something else. I said because he needs a ride to Archery. Everyone started laughing.

So maybe I am not funny after all. I can't believe it took us a year to figure it out.

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